Copyright © 1988, 2007 by Gil Hagiz
Certificate of Registration No. TXu 894-323
United States Copyright Office
The code below is part of the copyright registration
That's about 10% of the entire code
{NCPLUS.PAS Copyright (C) 1988, 1999 by Gil Hagiz} Program NCPLUS; {$I nodebug} {$M $8000, $20000, $A0000} uses Dos, crt, ed, {link to the editor} ugrp, {screen} uvar, {nc vars} ini, {read INI file} tbu, {Teach box unit} ncpar, {parameter table} tools, {tool file} Errors, {alpha-graphic messages} math, {arithmetics} coord, {AZ,EL,CYL} trans, {Transformation} loc, {location file} iop, {I/O} cpl, {compiler} jigs, ncrun, {runtime lib} ncg, {G code dispatcher} nc, {display, main loops} logo; {log on, log out} BEGIN NCversion:= 'NCPLUS 2000'; logon; repeat cncmain; until logoff; END. {LOGO.PAS Copyright (C) 1988, 1999 by Gil Hagiz} Unit logo; interface {$I nodebug} Uses dos, crt, screen, files, ugrp, windows, kboard, cvar, mesg, parser, helpme, ed, uvar, ini, tbu, errors, trans, iop, cpl, ncrun, nc; procedure logon; function logoff:boolean; (*============================================================*) Implementation {$I Copyrt} const secretcode = '123'; devOK:boolean=false; procedure openscreen(col,cursor:word); var txt:linestr; begin openwindow(10,9,70,16,col,cursor); getini('vendor',txt); title(txt); center(NCversion,1); center(CR,2); end; procedure fatalerror(const s:string); begin BootLog(getmessage(807)+s,11); offline:=true; directvideo:=false; checksnow:=false; openscreen(bkred+7,$2000); center(getmessage(807),4); center(getmessage(808),6); textattr:=bkred+white; center(s,5); ouch; ouch; while keyready do ; inkey; halt(12); end; procedure isSuper(su:boolean); begin if prog1='' then begin security:= 2-byte(su or (inkey=secretkey)); {security= 1 or 2} if security=superuser then begin center(getmessage(804),6); inkey; end; end else inkey; closewindow; oldscreen; end; function copyparam:char; assembler; {txtl:=copy(txtl,2,length(txtl))} ASM; cld les si,txtladdr mov di,si xor ax,ax lodsb dec ax mov cx,ax stosb {set length; inc di} lodsb {al= first char; inc si} rep movsb and al,5Fh end; function opendev:boolean; assembler; {read data from device} ASM; {read constants} mov ax,04402h {read device IOCTL} mov cx,5 {byte count} mov bx,word ptr cncdrv push ds mov dx,seg cmd9A mov ds,dx mov dx,offset cmd9A {cmd=9Ah} int 21h pop ds jc @err mov ax,04402h {read device IOCTL} mov cx,7 {byte count} mov dx,offset devdata {NCRUN, ds= segment} mov bx,word ptr cncdrv {handle} int 21h {DS:DX= ptr to data block} @err: mov al,1 {CF=1 @ error} sbb al,0 mov devOK,al end; procedure logon; var i,j : word; e:extstr; binfile:boolean; src:text; txt:linestr; label portsOK; begin ASM; {increase number of file handles to 30} mov ax,6700h mov bx,30 int 21h @1: end; selfdir:=''; INIfile:=myname+'.INI'; boot(true); {open boot log file} BootLog(Fexpand(paramstr(0)),10); for i:=1 to paramcount do begin txtl:=paramstr(i); BootLog(' '+txtl,10); case copyparam of 'S': if txtl=secretcode then security:=superuser; 'O': offline:=true; '@': begin Fsplit(fexpand(txtl),selfdir,txtl,e); if length(txtl) or length(e) <>0 then INIfile:=txtl+e; end; end; {case} end; bootLog('',11); i:=1; if selfdir='' then begin selfdir:=mydir; dec(i); end else HelpDir:=@selfdir; Fassign(INIsrc,selfdir+INIfile); txt:=getmessage(809)+INIsrc.pname; j:=word(dostype(INIsrc.pname)=1); if i>j then fatalerror(txt); BootLog(txt,j); readINIfile; txt:=Mydir+Modelname; if not SetModel(modelname) then fatalerror(txt); if modelname<>'' then BootLog(txt,1); txt2long; openscreen(bkblue+white,$2000); if not offline then begin reset(cncdrv); offline:=ioresult<>0; end; if offline then begin ASM or pflags,20h end; center(getmessage(805),4); end; if not (offline or opendev) then fatalerror('CNCSERVO'); feed60:=65536.0/(60*irqs); ASM; mov bx,-1 mov ax,MemSeg mov di,wr16 call dword ptr IOdd jc portsOK end; fatalerror('CNCPORTS'); portsOK: MavLen:=MavBuff*2 div irqt; getmem(Mav,MavLen*(axes+1)); {Moving Average and output buffers} fillchar(Mav^,MavLen*(axes+1),0); setTB; {must be before CNX} {load CNX file} if catch(exception) or runcc then begin BootLog(Xfile.pname,0); if security<>superuser then fatalerror(CNXfile); error:=false; end; {load the PLC file} LoadPLC; BootLog(selfdir+PLCfile,word(not error)); if error and (security<>superuser) then fatalerror(PLCfile); error:=false; if not loadgraph then fatalerror(mydir+vgafile); BootLog(mydir+vgafile,1); if not offline then LeadInit; fillchar(home,sizeof(home),#0); assign(src,selfdir+updatefile); reset(src); tic:=ioresult; if tic=0 then begin for j:=1 to maxhomes do begin for i:=1 to sysaxes do read(src,home[j,i]); readln(src); end; for i:=1 to sysaxes do readln(src,xpos[i],oldcorr[i]); readln(src,curHH); inc(tic,ioresult); close(src); end; beep(1000,200); if tic<>0 then beep(1000,200); BootLog(selfdir+updatefile,word(tic=0)); for i:=1 to axes do if (xpos[i]<nlimit[i]) or (xpos[i]>plimit[i]) then xpos[i]:=(plimit[i]+nlimit[i]) div 2; delay(1000); center(getmessage(469),6); isSuper(security=superuser); BootLog(getmessage(811),word(devok)); {servo} BootLog(getmessage(812),word(TBOK)); {TB} BootLog(getmessage(813),word(IOok)); {IO} BootLog(getmessage(820)+stgi(Memram),11); {Free Ram} boot(false); {close boot log file} CNCinit; end; {logon} function logoff:boolean; begin openscreen(bkred+white,$607); warning(idw,$104); center(getmessage(806),6); gotoxy(wherex-2,wherey); isSuper(false); logoff:=key or $20 = byte('y'); end; END. {NC.PAS Copyright (C) 1988, 1998 by Gil Hagiz} Unit nc; INTERFACE {$I debug} {.$DEFINE Mtst} {call motion not from interrupt} {.$DEFINE DISK} {Virtual disk for a host} Uses Dos, crt, files, {virtual files} screen, {screen routines} ghmouse, {mouse support} ugrp, {VGA interface} windows, {A/N windows} Dosshell, {Find, copy, shell} kboard, {Key-board} cvar, {common vars} edscrn1, {Fast screen routines} Helpme, {display help} mesg, {messages pickup} dir, {dir pickup} parser, {Line parsing} table, {table routines} ed, {Editor} uvar, {nc vars} {$IFDEF DISK} udisk, {virtual disk} {$ENDIF} ini, {read INI file} tbu, {Teach box unit} ncpar, {parameter table} tools, {Tool table} Errors, {screen messages A/N and graphics} math, {sin, cos, tan} coord, {AZ, EL, CYL} trans, {Robot transformations} loc, {location handling} iop, {Input/Outout} cpl, {compliler} ncrun, {Run time lib} ncg; {G code dispatcher} procedure CNCinit; procedure leadinit; procedure cncmain; procedure oldscreen; function runcc:boolean; procedure writetime; procedure cmd9A; {far} var cncdrv: file; (* ========================================================== *) IMPLEMENTATION var zooming, xzoom,yzoom,zzoom:double; xyzzoom : array[0..2] of double absolute xzoom; exitsave: pointer; oldint70: pointer; oldint00: pointer; Ndisplay: longint; pixels : longint; OldFeedLow, OldFeedMult, oldoffs, old399 : word; FewBuffers, tracerr, timer, timer0, oldtimer0, oldtimer1:word; xcar,ycar,xiso,yiso : integer; zoomst : string[5]; htab, lastaxis, oldsngle : byte; findv : boolean; DosDir : dirstr; var Csize:array[0..2] of word; Cshift:array[0..2] of word; Cneg :array[0..2] of integer; corr0:array[0..2] of integer; CorFile : Frec; timeoffs:word; timeattr:byte; const LeadPtr : array [1..sysaxes] of bufptr=(nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil); LeadNow : array [1..sysaxes] of word= (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); zoom : allaxes = (400,400,400,400, 400,400,400,400); trctmp : array [1..sysaxes] of word= (0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0); sn30 : single=0.5; cs30 : single=0.866; oldindex: longint=-1; accel : word = $80; decel : word = $80; vtime : word = 50; { .01 sec for dwell } vref : word = 50; spind : word = 0; HW : integer=0; {hand wheel} fe : integer = 0; {following error} axis : word = 0; zoomc : integer = 0; oldaxes : word = $FFFF; myAxis : word = $FFFF; {used in Axis Misc} ModuloN : word = 1; {used in simulation} divisor : word = 20; {20 ms time-constant for simulation} feedstr : string[12]=' Feed= . %'; {mesg 410} oldmode : modet = none; modename: modet = none; TBold : byte = 0; CorrFlag :boolean = false; ntsflName: array [1..5] of char = 'NTSFL'; modecol : array [modet] of word=( {auto} bkblue +white, {manual} bkgreen+white, {chktrc} bkmagenta+white, {chkref} bkgreen, {setref} bkred+white, {sethome} bkwhite+blink+red, {mdi} bkcyan+blue, {teach} bkred+blink+yellow, {none} bkblue+blue); {%%%1-29-96} modeHlp : array [modet] of string[10]=( {auto} '[GENERAL]', {manual} '[GENERAL]', {chktrc} '[CHKTRC]', {chkref} '[CHKREF]', {setref} '[SETREF]', {sethome} '[SETHOME]', {mdi} '[MDI]', {teach} '[TEACH]', {nop} ''); topcolor : array [boolean] of byte = (bkcyan,bkblue+white); axiscolor: array [boolean] of byte = (yellow, lightcyan); imstr : array [boolean] of string[6] = (' MM ',' INCH '); firstaxis: byte = 1; SecondTime:boolean=false; {$L ncl} procedure myint15; external; procedure oldint15; external; procedure clrbuff; external; procedure motion; far; external; procedure Simulation; external; procedure res70; external; procedure prep70; external; procedure cmd9A; external; procedure clrtrc; far; external; procedure skip; external; procedure newfeed; external; procedure updateX(xxDI:word);far; external; procedure GoASM; external; function trace:boolean; external; function trcerr(axs:word):integer;FAR; external; function ready:boolean; external; procedure writetime; external; { write BIOS time directly to screen} procedure CMOSwr; external; function CMOSrd:byte; external; procedure graphics(s:boolean); forward; procedure corr3d(on:boolean); FAR; forward; procedure PLCmesg; FAR; {called from KBOARD} begin if trace then begin if not SecondTime then begin SecondTime:=true; {avoid recursive calls} callcc(106); error:=true; {to skip BreakP} errors.err(199+byte(Moving>0),-1,axisname[tracerr]); end; end else SecondTime:=false; if MousEvent=0 then begin GetMouseEvent(plcvars[90]); if InWindow and 2 <> 0 then begin MousMove:=$FF; {non active} if (MousLft>=2) and (MousRegion<>EntryNo) then KB(1220+MousRegion); if MousLft=1 then {Release Left Button} if Mousregion=0 then KB(27) else KB(13); end; end; if plc1flag<>0 then plc02; {$IFDEF DISK} if diskOK then getKB; {get char from virtual drive} {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF Mtst} procedure motion1; FAR ;assembler; ASM; end; {$ENDIF} procedure spoil(num:word); assembler; const spoiler : longint = $795B3D1F; {olds[num]:=olds[num] xor spoiler} ASM; mov ax,word ptr spoiler mov bx,num add bx,bx xor word ptr [bx+olds-18],ax {olds[9..vars]} db 66h ror word ptr spoiler,1 end; function diowrite:boolean; assembler; const devcmd : word = 0; {driver write data block} {$IFDEF Mtst} devptr : pointer= @motion1; {$ELSE} devptr : pointer= @motion; {first byte of devcmd is junk} {$ENDIF} ASM; {now enable interrupts} mov ax,04403h {write device IOCTL} mov cx,5 {byte count} mov dx,offset devcmd+1 {ds= segment} mov bx,word ptr cncdrv int 21h {DS:DX= ptr to data block} mov al,0 {CF=1 @ error} rcl al,1 end; (**************************************************************) procedure initalways; {for CS after Hold or CS in MDI} (**************************************************************) begin clrbuff; buffers[0].feed:=vtime; buffers[0].feedratio:=100; {non zero} skipPort:=0; end; (**************************************************************) procedure shortbuff(short:byte); FAR; (**************************************************************) begin if short in [1..maxbuffers-1] then begin if tracing=0 then begin tracing:=short; v64H:=1; fewbuffers:=short; Buffers[tracing].next:=ofs(buffers); end; end else begin {default} Buffers[tracing].next:=ofs(buffers[succ(tracing)]); tracing:=0; v64H:=0; fewbuffers:=maxbuffers; end; initalways; end; (**************************************************************) procedure init; (**************************************************************) begin shortbuff(0); {does InitAlways} ToolComp:=false; prevtc:=0; rt:=0; par[prt]:=0; ptr0:=0; ptr1:=0; end; procedure initCS; assembler; ASM; call init call runinit end; procedure irqon; begin {$IFNDEF Mtst} if offline then prep70 else begin reset(cncdrv); InOutRes:=0;; diowrite; {enable interrupts} end; {$ENDIF} irq:=true; if not graphnow then loader; {%%%02-05-94} end; procedure irqoff; begin if Ractual or Rdesired <> 0 then RotExactStop; if offline then res70 else close(cncdrv); InOutRes:=0; irq:=false; end; procedure cc100(k:integer); {call cc-100 with #199:=k} begin dbli(par[199])[1]:=k; dbli(par[199])[4]:=-1; callcc(100); {#199=k} end; function runcc:boolean; {true --> error} begin {Run the CNX file, assume failure} runcc:=true; Fassign(Xfile,selfdir+CNXFile); Fptr:=@Xfile; if getCPLfile=0 then begin initCS; while Readline do CNC; BootLog(Xfile.pname,1); runcc:=false; if TBnew then cc100(-1); end; end; {runcc} procedure indicator(i:runmodet); begin if error then exit; runmode:=i; writetext(getmessage(400+word(runmode)), 44, 1, topcolor[runmode in [reseti,runi]]); end; procedure isometric; begin if graphic then begin iso:=not iso; pageselect(iso); end; end; procedure dryrn(s:integer); begin if mode=setref then s:=0; {%%%06-17-96} tac:=dryrun; if s>=0 then begin if dryrun<>s then dryrun:=s else dryrun:=0; end else if not graphnow and (dryrun>=2) then dryrun:=0; case dryrun of 0 : writetext(' ',25,1,bkblue); { 9 } 1 : writetext(getmessage(412),25,1,bkcyan); {DRYRUN} 2,6: begin if not graphic then graphics(true); word(pixels):=0; if dbli(par[stop])[4]<0 then pixels:=round(-par[stop]); {in search} writetext(getmessage(413),25,1,white); {TEST} end; end; if (tac>=2) or (dryrun>=2) then updatepos; end; procedure restoreNTSFL; var j:word; begin if GraphScr then exit; for j:=11 to 15 do begin if big[j]<>0 then bigtext(ntsflName[j-10],hor[j],ver[j],yellow,big[j]); end; imdisplay:=true; {restores NTSFL} for tic:=9 to vars do spoil(tic); ASM db 66h inc word ptr Ndisplay end; resNTSFL:=false; end; procedure restoreaxes(key:integer); var tmpaxes:byte; col : byte; i,j : byte; visible:boolean; begin if (CurWindow<>0) or graphScr then exit; if mode=chktrc then tmpaxes:=0 else tmpaxes:=displayaxes-1; case key of (*1072 {UP} : if firstaxis>1 then dec(firstaxis); 1080 {DN} : inc(firstaxis);*) 1..8 : if key<firstaxis then firstaxis:=key else if key>lastaxis then firstaxis:=key-tmpaxes; {else : re-display } end; {case} if firstaxis>axes-tmpaxes then firstaxis:=axes-tmpaxes; lastaxis:=firstaxis+tmpaxes; axis:=firstaxis-1; if (tmpaxes=0) and not (mode in [auto,MDI]) then handaxis:=firstaxis; oldhand:=handaxis; visible:=false; for i:=firstaxis to lastaxis do {Display axis names} if big[i]<>0 then begin j:=i-firstaxis+1; if i=handaxis then begin col:=$8F; visible:=true; {blink the selected axis} end else col:=axiscolor[xlat[i] and raxes <> 0]; bigtext(axisname[i],hor[j],ver[j],col,big[i]); end; if not visible then handaxis:=0; disflagset; end; procedure writemode; begin writetext(getmessage(490+word(modename)),65,1,modecol[modename]); end; procedure writeUnit; begin writetext(imstr[inchNow],2,1,topcolor[inchsys=inchNow]); end; procedure GetHoldMode; {Reset or Hold} begin with Fptr^ do RunMode:=runmodet((mode=$D7B3) and ((block<>0) or (BufPos<>prg00))); end; procedure topline; {re-write top line} begin edsetcursor($2000); { no cursor } BlueTop; dryrn(-1); inc(OldFeedMult); writemode; writeUnit; indicator(RunMode); inc(oldoffs,10); inc(oldsngle); oldaxes:=useH; end; {TopLine} procedure newplace; begin if mode <>MDI then begin if not graphnow then ASM; {clear screen} mov es,segb800 mov di,160 {row=2} mov cx,80*23 {23 rows} xor ax,ax CLD rep stosw {clear 23 rows} cmp kanji,0 jz @9 mov di,160 {if Kanji, copy to screen} mov cx,80*23 mov ah,0FFh int 10h @9: end; fillchar(big,sizeof(big),#0); end; dbli(par[190])[4]:=-1; dblw(par[190])[1]:=word(mode)+2; if graphic then dbli(par[190])[1]:=1; RST:=0; callcc(114); {sets places} oldhand:=$FFFF; {calls restoreaxes() later} resNTSFL:=true; {calls restoreNTSFL later} end; procedure drawscreen; var i:integer; begin nosound; if not error then topline; imdisplay:=true; newplace; if modename<>MDI then WRprogname; end; procedure ProgReset; begin repeat until PopPrg=0; spp:=0; toolcomp:=false; getprogname; end; procedure M2; begin callcc(2); ExactStop; ProgReset; Nrun:=0; Npof:=0; initCS; callcc(107); end; procedure runauto; begin if Fptr^.mode<>$D7B3 then Exit; if RunMode=Reseti then begin initCS; Nrun:=0; Npof:=0; if dryrun>=2 then movfam(ofs(grany),ofs(grand)); end else begin initalways; dooffset(o); end; if key<>1198 then begin callcc(107); {if not running CNX file} indicator(runi); {change mode after cc-107} end else runmode:=edit; {for run-time errors} repeat if not Readline then break; {false if RST or EOF} Hold:=0; CNC; until hold <> 0; ExactStop; if RST=0 then begin case hold of 0,1 : begin {End, Single,m0} if dryrun>=2 then begin for tic:=1 to axes do grand[tic]:=grand[tic]+flzero[tic]; end; if Model='C' then grand[Z3]:=grand[Z3]-ZT; home[posHome]:=grand; curHH:=Vaxes; callcc(0); exit; end; 2 : M2; end; if Curwindow<>0 then begin CloseAllWin; oldscreen; end; end; end; { RunAuto } procedure runMDI; begin initalways; Hold:=0; CNC; { line has already been read } ExactStop; if RST=0 then if hold=2 then M2; mode:=savemode; end; { runMDI } procedure cycle_start; begin if mode=Auto then begin runAuto; end else begin indicator(runi); case mode of MDI : runMDI; setref : begin initCS; No_stop:=false; Corr3d(false); callcc(103); end; chkref : begin initCS; No_stop:=false; callcc(113); end; else ouch; end; end; GetHoldMode; indicator(RunMode); No_stop:=true; end; procedure goedit(run_error:boolean); begin error:=false; if mode=MDI then begin doMDI(run_error); GetHoldMode; drawscreen; end else begin IrqOff; {disable interrupts} mode:=auto; if not graphic then begin textmode(co80); directvideo:=not Kanji; checksnow:=false; end; prgsp:=0; runmode:=edit; {indication for the error routine} doedit(run_error); IrqOn; {enable interrupts, Loader} GetHoldMode; if graphic then graphics(false) else drawscreen; end; if v70<>0 then getwheel; end; {goedit} function grp:boolean; assembler; const msw=$819E; {exp*2 of 15872} ASM; mov ax,word ptr xzoom+6 add ax,ax cmp ax,msw jae @exit mov ax,word ptr yzoom+6 add ax,ax cmp ax,msw jae @exit mov ax,word ptr zzoom+6 add ax,ax cmp ax,msw jb @0 @exit: mov al,1 jmp @9 @0: {ycar:=y*aspect;} fld aspect {a } fld yzoom {a,y } fld st {a,y,y } fmul st,st(2) {a,y, y*a } fistp ycar {a,y } {xcar:=x;} fld xzoom fist xcar {a,y,x } {xiso:=(y+x) * cos(30);} fld st(1) {a,y,x,y } fadd st,st(1) {a,y,x, x+y} fmul cs30 fistp xiso {a,y,x } {yiso:=((y-x)*sin(30)+z ) * aspect;} fsub {a,y-x } fmul sn30 {a,(y-x)/2 } fadd zzoom {a,(y-x)/2+z } fmul fistp yiso xor ax,ax @9: end; procedure setzoom; begin {zoom= .010 to 10.0} zooming:=exp(ln10*zoomc/6); str(zooming:5:(12-zoomc) div 6, zoomst); { (12-zoomc) div 6 --> 1,2,3} zooming:=zoomratio*zooming; for tic:=1 to axes do zoom[tic]:=zooming*MetricS[tic]; writetext(getmessage(485)+zoomst,65,2,white); end; procedure graphline; FAR; const oldxc:integer=0; oldyc:integer=0; oldxi:integer=0; oldyi:integer=0; label Exitpoint; begin if not graphnow then exit; xzoom:=(grand[xyz[17]]-testzero[xyz[17]])*zooming; yzoom:=(grand[xyz[18]]-testzero[xyz[18]])*zooming; if zh=0 then dblw(zzoom)[4]:=0 else zzoom:=(grand[xyz[19]]-testzero[xyz[19]])*zooming; if grp then goto ExitPoint; case gg of 0,10,20 : graphptr^.style:=LEDs; else graphptr^.style:=$FFFF; end; setline(hx+oldxc, hy-oldyc, hx+xcar, hy-Ycar,2); setline(hx+oldxi, hy-oldyi, hx+xiso, hy-yiso,4); oldxc:=xcar; oldyc:=Ycar; oldxi:=xiso; oldyi:=yiso; Exitpoint: if (abs(xcar)<word(pixels)) and (abs(ycar)<word(pixels)) then sngle:=3; hold:=sngle and 1; end; procedure dographic; begin xzoom:=(xpos[xyz[17]]-graphzero[xyz[17]])*zoom[xyz[17]]; yzoom:=(xpos[xyz[18]]-graphzero[xyz[18]])*zoom[xyz[18]]; if zh=0 then dblw(zzoom)[4]:=0 else zzoom:=(xpos[xyz[19]]-graphzero[xyz[19]])*zoom[xyz[19]]; if grp then exit; setpixel(hx+xcar, hy-Ycar, 2); setpixel(hx+xiso, hy-yiso, 4); end; procedure restorefeed; const feedaddr : pointer=@feedstr[7]; var col:word; begin OldFeedMult:=FeedMult; OldFeedLow:=FeedLow; ASM; mov ax,feedMult mov bx,2000 mul bx add ax,ax adc dx,0 mov tic,dx end; case tic of 0 : col:=bkred+blink+white; 1..999 : col:=bkcyan; 1000 : col:=bkblue+white; else col:=bkwhite+red; end; {case} if FeedLow=0 then col:=bkred+blink+white else if FeedLow<FeedMult then col:=bkred+white; case FeedLow of 0 : col:=bkred+blink+white; 1 : col:=bkblue+white; else if FeedLow<FeedMult then col:=bkred+white else case tic of 0 : col:=bkred+blink+white; 1..999 : col:=bkcyan; 1000 : col:=bkblue+white; else col:=bkwhite+red; end; {case} end; str(tic:4, TBfeed); ASM; or TBset,1 {flag for TB display} mov si,offset TBfeed+1 les di,feedaddr cld movsw movsb inc di {skip the decimal point} movsb end; writetext(FeedStr, 52,1, col); { 12 } end; procedure SaveUpdateFile; var dst:text; i,j:integer; begin assign(dst,selfdir+updatefile); rewrite(dst); if IOresult=0 then begin for j:=1 to maxhomes do begin for i:=1 to sysaxes do write(dst,' ',home[j,i]:10:4); writeln(dst); end; for i:=1 to sysaxes do writeln(dst,xpos[i],' ',oldcorr[i]); writeln(dst,curHH); close(dst); InOutRes:=0;; end; end; procedure dotopline; begin if error then exit; {do not overwrite error message} if (Vaxes<>oldaxes) and (useH<>0) then begin oldaxes:=Vaxes; str(VaxesL, TBhh); writetext('H'+char($2B+vaxesH shl 1)+TBhh,9,1,bkblue+white); ASM; or TBset,8; end; {flag for TB display} end; if offsno<>oldoffs then begin oldoffs:=offsno; writetext(getmessage(414)+stg(offsno)+' ',13,1,topcolor[offsNo=o]); end; if sngle<>oldsngle then begin oldsngle:=sngle; if odd(sngle) then writetext(getmessage(411),35,1, bkcyan) { 8 SINGLE} else writetext(' ',35,1, bkblue); end; if mode<>oldmode then begin if mode>none then mode:=none; if modename<>teach then modename:=mode; if (mode<>MDI) or (oldmode<>sethome) then writemode; if (mode=sethome) and (oldmode=mdi) then SaveUpdateFile; OneAxis:=false; case mode of chktrc, chkref, {%%%05-09-93} setref : begin oneaxis:=true; vaxes:=0; dooffset(0); if (mode=chktrc) or graphic then graphics(graphic); {A/N} end; sethome : begin if graphic then graphics(true); disflagset; if offsno<3 then dooffset(4); end; MDI : begin savemode:=oldmode; if graphic then begin graphics(true); Exit; {update axis display} end; end; end; {case mode} if oldmode=MDI then EDchangeattribute(80,1,2,black); handaxis:=0; CorrFlag:=false; dryrn(0); {%%%06-17-96} oldmode:=mode; disflagset; newplace; if mode=MDI then goedit(false) else begin WRprogname; end; if LinTC<>oldTC then TConst(oldTC); end; {oldmode<>mode} if (FeedMult<>OldFeedMult) or (FeedLow<>OldFeedLow) then RestoreFeed; end; procedure addcorr; assembler; {ax= new correction si= axis 0,2,4,...} ASM; mov [si+offset corrPLC],ax {corrPLC[axis]:=newcorr} mov bx,si cmp CorrFlag,0 jnz @1 mov dx,ax {DX too} xchg dx,[si+offset oldcorr] {oldcorr[axis]:=newcorr} sub ax,dx {AX= newcorr-oldcorr[axis]} add [si+bx+offset corr],ax {inc(twoint(corr[axis]).lo, dcorr)} ret @1: mov [si+offset oldcorr],ax {oldcorr[axis]:=newcorr} db 66h,98h {cwde} db 66h sub word ptr [si+bx+Xpos],ax {one command} end; procedure AxisMisc; assembler; var tmp:longint; const an360:single=360.0; ASM; xor cx,cx mov di,myAxis inc di cmp di,axes jb @1 je @3D {3D correction} xor di,di @1: mov myAxis,di {myAxis= 0..axes-1} mov si,di {SI= byte ptr} shl di,2 {DI= dword ptr} {must be one command or use CLI/STI} xchg cx,word ptr [di+corr+2] {+1 or -1} test cx,cx jz @99 {exit if no motion} {flag for updating the display, written here for time saving} mov al,byte ptr [si+xlat+1] {xlat begins from zero} or disflag,al {al= 1,2,4,8..$80} mov ah,1 or Moving,ax lea bx,[si+1] {BX= axis - 1..axes} cmp bx,ASpin jne @noSpin {correct Xpos +-180 deg for Spindle} fild Sp360 {Sp360} cli {*********************** no interrupts} fild dword ptr [di+xpos] {Sp360, Xpos} db 0D9h,0F5h {fprem1} {Sp360, Remainder(st/st(1))} cmp Ractual,0 {is spindle running?} jz @Stand {jmp if not} fist dword ptr [di+xpos] {corrected Xpos- +- 180} @Stand: {*********************** no interrupts end} sti fstp st(1) {pop Sp360} cmp bx,BSpin jne @noSpin1 fmul an360 {mul by 360 for RPM spindle} jmp @noSpin1 {Xpos} @noSpin: {regular axis} {convert position to mm} fild dword ptr [di+xpos] {Xpos} @noSpin1: mov bx,di {DI+BX= qword ptr} fmul qword ptr [di+bx+metricS] fistp dword ptr tmp {tmp:=round(xpos[i]*metricS[i])} {time saving before wait} add si,si {SI= word ptr} fwait mov ax,word ptr tmp {AX= current position mm} mov [si+offset v21],ax {PLC #21 to #28} and cl,corr1 {0 or 1} test cx,[si+offset LeadNow] {0=no table} jz @99 {exit if no table} {find table} les di,[di+offset LeadPtr] {ES:DI= ptr to table} {Table Rec= Max:word, shr:word, Negative:word; data:array[0..Max] of word} mov cx,es:[di+2] {CX= shift const} mov bx,word ptr tmp {BX= current position mm} sub bx,es:[di+4] {BX= ofs from most negative} jg @3 {jmp if position > negative} xor bx,bx @3: clc {in case cl=0} shr bx,cl {BX= weighted current position} adc bx,0 {rounding} add bx,bx {byte to word ptr} cmp bx,es:[di] {cmp bx,Max byte} jb @4 mov bx,es:[di] {if BX > Max then BX:= Max} @4: mov ax,es:[di+bx+6] {AX= new correction} call addcorr {SI= axis- 0,2,4..} jmp @99 @3D: {3D correction} {CX=0} mov myAxis,di {myAxis= 0..axes} cmp corr3,cl jz @99 mov di,4 {begin with Z} xor ax,ax xor dx,dx jmp @11 @10: {loop for z,y,x index} mov cx,word ptr [di+offset Csize] inc cx mul cx {dx=0 until 3rd mul} @11: mov si,[di+offset v21] {PLC #21 to #28} mov cx,[di+offset Cshift] {CX= shift const} sub si,[di+offset Cneg] jg @13 xor si,si {if SI < Min then SI:=0} @13: clc {in case cl=0} shr si,cl {SI= weighted current position} adc si,0 {rounding} cmp si,[di+offset Csize] {cmp SI,Max} jb @14 mov si,[di+offset Csize] {if SI > Max then SI:= Max} @14: add ax,si adc dx,0 sub di,2 jns @10 {loop for table's z,y,x} cmp ax,word ptr oldindex {dx:ax= new index} jne @15 cmp dx,word ptr oldindex+2 je @99 @15: mov word ptr oldindex,ax mov word ptr oldindex+2,dx push ds push offset corfile push dx push ax call Rseek push ds push offset corfile push ds push offset corr0 call readR {read record into corr0} mov si,4 {SI= axis- 4,2,0} @16: mov ax,[si+offset corr0] {AX= new correction} call addcorr sub si,2 jns @16 @99: end; (**************************************************************) procedure display; (**************************************************************) { 6 9 3 15 8 25 9 35 8 44 8 53 11 65 16 INCH | H+5 | OFFS #1 | DRY-RUN | SINGLE | HOLD | FEED=12.3%| REFERENCE TEST } const feedL : word=0; feedH : integer=0; numstr : string[79]=''; var trcmm : double; XDisplay : double; longfeed : longint absolute feedL; trcunit : longint; trc,vtab : integer; hpos,vpos: byte; TBmodeW : word absolute TBmode; size : byte; color : byte; sign : shortint; minstr,maxstr:string[20]; label noN; begin if CurWindow>0 then exit; if (TBnow xor TBold) >=$80 then begin TBold:=TBnow; modename:=none; if oldmode=mode then oldmode:=none; if TBnow>=$80 then begin if graphic then graphics(true); dryrn(0); modename:=teach; end; if TBnew then cc100(-1); {update TB screen} end; DoTopLine; {%%%1998-03-18} if (dryrun>=2) and not odd(sngle) then exit; if (TBmodeW and $8080 =$8000) and (TBset<>0) and (TBout=0) then TBupdate; if resNTSFL then restoreNTSFL; if handaxis<>oldhand then begin if handaxis>axes then handaxis:=0; restoreaxes(handaxis); if handaxis=0 then oneaxis:=false; end; if axis<lastaxis then begin inc(axis); tic:=axis-firstaxis+1; vpos:=ver[tic]; hpos:=hor[tic]; size:=big[tic] and 3; if (disflag and xlat[axis] <> 0 ) or (mode=chktrc) then begin disflag:=disflag and not xlat[axis]; case mode of setref:XDisplay:=(xpos[axis]-abszero[axis])*scaled[axis]; chktrc:begin trc:=trcerr(axis); XDisplay:=scaled[axis]*trc; if vactual<=1 then begin if Pflags<0 then ASM; mov ax,trc cwd add ax,dx xor ax,dx {ax= abs(trc)} shl ax,6 {ax*64} push ax call sound end; end else begin {vactual>1 , vactual = mm/min } trcmm:=abs(MetricS[axis]*fe); if jogL<>0 then begin str(trcmm*60000/feed:wd+2:1,maxstr); bigtext(maxstr,hor[12]+big[12],ver[12],yellow,big[12]); end; timer0:=timer shr 5; if timer0<>oldtimer0 then begin oldtimer0:=timer0; inc(htab);if htab>79 then htab:=79; trcunit:=round(trcmm*points*ffg0[axis]); vtab:=word(trcunit) div points; if vtab>23 then vtab:=23; writepel(char(word(trcunit) mod points + $A0), htab,24-vtab,yellow); end; end; end; {chktrc} else {not chktrc or setref} if mode=sethome then begin str((nlimit[axis]-xpos[axis])*scaled[axis]:dig:fd,minstr); str((plimit[axis]-xpos[axis])*scaled[axis]:dig:fd,maxstr); writetext(getmessage(483)+maxstr,50,vpos,lightgreen); writetext(getmessage(484)+minstr,50,succ(vpos),lightred); end; if dryrun and 2 <> 0 then begin v399:=0; XDisplay:=grany[axis]/metricS[axis]*scaleD[axis]; end else begin XDisplay:= scaled[axis] * xpos[axis]; if axis=diff1 then XDisplay:=XDisplay - xpos[diff0] * DiffScale; if Model<>'M' then XDisplay:=XDisplay - FixD[axis]; if (Model='C') and (axis=Z3) and (g53F<>0) then Xdisplay:=Xdisplay - par[pzt]; end; if v399=1 then XDisplay:= (daddy[axis]+flaxis[axis])/metricS[axis]*scaleD[axis]-XDisplay; end; {case mode} if size<>0 then begin {$IFDEF DISK} if diskOK then Disk^.AxisPos[axis]:=XDisplay; {$ENDIF} str(XDisplay:dig:fd,numst); bignum(axis,hpos+size,vpos, axiscolor[xlat[axis] and raxes <> 0],size); end; end; {disflag<>0} end else begin axis:=pred(firstaxis); timer0:=timer and $1FF; if not graphnow and (timer0<>oldtimer1) then begin oldtimer1:=timer0; writetime; end; if v399<>old399 then begin old399:=v399; disflagset; end; if imdisplay then begin disflag:=$FF; ASM db 66h inc word ptr Ndisplay end; for tic:=12 to 15 do begin spoil(tic); size:=big[tic]; if size<>0 then bigtext(' ',hor[tic]+(byte(tic=14) shl 1 + 5) * size, ver[tic],black,size); end; if not error then writeUnit; {do not overwrite error message} imdisplay:=false; end; if big[11]<>0 then begin {N display} ASM; mov ax,v390 dec ax jz @1 jns @2 @0: db 66h mov ax,word ptr nn {#390=0} jmp @9 @2: {#390=2} db 66h mov ax,word ptr Npof jmp @9 @1: {#390=1} db 66h mov ax,word ptr Nrun @9: db 66h cmp word ptr Ndisplay,ax je noN db 66h mov word ptr Ndisplay,ax end; str(nn:5,TBnn); str(Ndisplay:wd,numstr); size:=big[11] and 3; bigtext(numstr+' ',hor[11]+size,ver[11],yellow,size); ASM; or TBset,2; end; {flag for TB display} noN: end; if (curtool<>olds[12]) and (big[12]<>0) then begin olds[12]:=curtool; size:=big[12] and 3; str(curtool:wd,numstr); bigtext(numstr,hor[12]+size,ver[12],yellow,size); end; if (spindle<>olds[13]) and (big[13]<>0) then begin olds[13]:=spindle; str(spindle:wd, numstr); size:=big[13] and 3; bigtext(numstr,hor[13]+size,ver[13],yellow,size); end; feedL:=feed; {08-23-92} if (feedL<>olds[14]) and (big[14]<>0) then begin olds[14]:=feedL; if inchNow then str(FintF*0.03937*longfeed:8:2,numstr) { 1/25.4 } else str(feedL:6,numstr); size:=big[14] and 3; bigtext(numstr,hor[14]+size,ver[14],yellow,size); end; if (l<>olds[15]) and (big[15]<>0) then begin olds[15]:=l; str(l:5,TBll); size:=big[15] and 3; bigtext(MMspace+TBll,hor[15]+size,ver[15],yellow,size); ASM; or TBset,4; end; {flag for TB display} end; for tic:=16 to vars do if big[tic]<>0 then begin tac:=word(plcvars[tic+PLCbase]); if tac<>olds[tic] then begin olds[tic]:=tac; sign:=shortint(big[tic]); size:=abs(sign); toe:=wd; color:=Pcol[tic]; if size>=$10 then begin toe:=size shr 4; size:=size and 7; end; if byte(sign)=$80 then begin numstr:=GetPLCmesg(tac and $FF,false); if hi(tac)<>0 then color:=hi(tac); writetext(numstr,hor[tic]+1,ver[tic],color); end else begin if sign<0 then str(integer(tac):toe,numstr) else str(tac:toe,numstr); bigtext(numstr,hor[tic]+size,ver[tic],color,size); end; end; end; {====================} { DoTopLine; %%%1998-03-18} end; end; {$I graph0} {%%%01-31-94} (**************************************************************) procedure background; FAR; (**************************************************************) const oldtime:word=0; begin {$IFDEF Mtst} {for tic:=1 to 10000 do ;Simulation;} if movinf<>0 then PAR[1]:=PAR[1]+20; for tic:=1 to 20 do motion; {$ENDIF} goASM; ASM; mov cx,v70 jcxz @9 mov ax,timer shr ax,cl {check every 2**n msec} cmp ax,oldtime je @9 mov oldtime,ax call getwheel add HandWheel,ax @9: end; if HW<>0 then newfeed; TBloop; AxisMisc; {%%%05-14-95} if not GraphScr then begin {%%%01-31-94} display; if graphnow then dographic; end else begin DoTopLine; DoGraph0; {in Graph0.pas} end; end; { background } procedure graphics(s:boolean); var x,y:word; begin graphic:=graphic xor s; if graphic then begin gograph; pageselect(iso); drawscreen; setzoom; end else begin goAlpha; {graphnow:=false} checksnow:=false; loader; drawscreen; end; end; {graphics} procedure oldscreen; assembler; ASM; mov al,kanji or al,graphic jz @0 push 0 call graphics {if Kanji or graphic then draw screen} @0: end; procedure test(sw:word); FAR; begin case sw of 0 : if graphic then graphics(true); {Alpha} 1 : begin CloseAllWin; if dryrun<2 then dryrn(6); {set test} graphics(false); {clear screen} end; 2,3: pageselect(boolean(sw-2)); end; {case} end; {test} procedure getTBfeed; assembler; { key:=key-1200; if lo(key)<=TeachTable[0] then begin FeedSelector:=TeachTable[key]; FeedMult:=FeedTable[FeedSelector] end;} ASM; mov ax,key mov bx,offset TeachTable sub ax,1200 {AX= 1..10} cmp al,[bx] {length of table} ja @exit xlat {get value from table} mov FeedSelector,ax add ax,ax {byte to word} mov bx,ax mov ax,word ptr [bx+FeedTable] mov FeedMult,ax @exit: end; procedure ChkJogReleased; {called if JogL<>0} begin if TBnow>=$80 then begin TBloop; if TBkey<>0 then Exit; end else begin if (mem[seg0040:$17] and $C = $C) or (JogL>=$80) then Exit; end; SKP:=true; JogL:=0; {Don't call again} end; function buffClear:boolean; assembler; ASM; xor ax,ax mov bx,axes les si,mav cld @loop: mov di,si mov cx,LinTC0 repz scasw jnz @exit0 add si,mavLen dec bx jnz @loop inc ax @exit0: end; (************************************************************** W A I T I N G L O O P ***************************************************************) procedure go_wait(ExitFlag:word); FAR; var done:boolean; begin RSTer:=0; {flag to disable RST} repeat goASM; plcmesg; if (JogL<>0) and (jogH=0) then ChkJogReleased; {SKP:=(RST<>0) or SKP or (skipPort<>0) and ((port[skipPort] and mask0)=mask1); Port returns True data %%%12-23-92 Skip:= port and mask0 = mask1; mask0= bits to detect. off:mask1=0 --> detects comp bits on: mask1=bits --> detects true bits, all:mask1=bits, mask0=FF} ASM; xor ax,ax cmp SKP,al jnz @9 {already done - exit} cmp RST,al jnz @8 {SKP:=RST} mov bx,SkipPort cmp bx,ax {no port} jz @9 cmp bl,inport jbe @1 {jmp if real port} add bx,bx {PLC var - byte to word offset} mov ax,word ptr [bx+plcvars] jmp @2 @1: mov di,rd8 call dword ptr IOdd @2: and ax,mask0 cmp ax,mask1 lahf {40h=equal} xor ah,mask2 {40h for Toggle} test ah,40h je @9 @8: mov SKP,1 @9: end; {findv--> false enables assignment into vhigh} findv:=not SKP and (runmode<>dwelli); if SKP then begin vhigh:=1; {decel and stop} no_decel:=false; if (RST=0) and (dblw(par[190])[1]=0) and (dbli(par[190])[4]=-1) then begin skip; inc(dblw(par[190])[1]); {#190:=1} end; if Vactual<=1 then clrbuff; {and exit by 'if READY'} end; if ready then begin case ExitFlag of 0: done:=true; 1: done:=decelflag and (Vactual<=minfeed); {%%%05-21-1999: don't build buffers if feed=0} else done:=(FeedMult<>0) or SKP; end; if done then begin if Pflags<0 then nosound; if no_decel or BuffClear then begin if SKP then {for i:=1 to axes do if g53f=0 then par[190+i]:=xskip[i]*metricS[i] else par[190+i]:=xskip[i]*scaled[i])-fixD[i];} ASM; xor bx,bx xor cx,cx xor di,di mov si,offset MetricS cmp g53F,cl jz @1 inc cx mov si,offset scaleD @1: fild dword ptr [bx+xskip] fmul qword ptr [si] jcxz @2 fsub qword ptr [di+fixD] @2: fstp qword ptr [di+par+191*8] add di,8 add si,8 add bx,4 cmp bx,axis4 jb @1 end; Exit; end; end; end; if Pflags<0 then sound(Vactual shr 4); if keyready then begin {Keypressed} CurKey:=0; case key of 1063 : {F5 } dryrn(1); 1201..1210 : getTBfeed; 1111 : {ALT-F8} SKP:=skipPort>0; (* 1072 , {UP ARROW} 1080 : {DN ARROW} if handaxis=0 then restoreaxes(key); *) 1112 : {ALT-F9} if runmode=dwelli then begin SKP:=true; Exit; end else feedMult:=feedtable[feedselector]; 1106 : {ALT-F3} isometric; $1B : {ESC} RST:=1; else CurKey:=Key; end; end; {if keypressed} background; until false; end; procedure breakNow; FAR; begin exactstop; toolcomp:=false; updatepos; end; { breakNow } procedure dwell(dly:double); FAR; var numstr:string[20]; tmp:double; time:longint; oldfeed0,i,q:word; oldmode:runmodet; oldstop:boolean; begin {timer:=0;} if not irq then exit; if dryrun=2 then dly:=0.05; oldstop:=no_stop; oldfeed0:=feed0; no_stop:=false; exactstop; oldmode:=runmode; runmode:=dwelli; dly:=dly*10; fillchar(xnew,axes*4,#0); findv:=false; feed0:=vtime; {1 pulse per 0.01 sec} vactual:=vtime; vhigh:=vtime; vdesired:=vtime; lenRatio:=1; {Feed display = 0 %%%10-23-97} largest:=round(frac(dly)*10); feedratio:=round(131.0*1024/irqs); dly:=int(dly); moving:=$8000; no_decel:=dly>=1; if largest>0 then begin makebuffer; go_wait(0); end; if no_decel then begin indicator(dwelli); largest:=10; tmp:=dly; while (dly>-Fewbuffers) and not SKP do begin makebuffer; go_wait(0); dly:=dly-1; q:=0; for i:=0 to fewbuffers do inc(q, buffers[i].qCnt); tmp:=abs((q/10+dly)/10); str(tmp:12:1,numstr); writetext(numstr+' ', 51,1, yellow); { 13 } end; clrbuff; inc(OldFeedMult); indicator(oldmode); RestoreFeed; end; runmode:=oldmode; SKP:=false; skipPort:=0; no_stop:=oldstop; feed0:=oldfeed0; moving:=0; (*writetext(stg(timer),2,23,yellow);*) end; (********************************************************** *************** J O G G I N G ******************* JOG********************************************************) procedure jog(JogLo:byte); FAR; var tmploc:locrec; label exitpoint; begin updatepos; if (word(handaxis-1)>=axes) and (JogLo<6) then goto exitpoint; case mode of mdi,auto,sethome : goto exitpoint; chktrc : begin drawscreen; htab:=0; end; end; {case} if (word(handaxis-1) < 3) and wristmode and (JogLo<5) then begin wrist; {trans %%%02-14-1999, axis and direction are taken from PLC} end else begin ZerInc1:=false; case JogLo of 2,3 : begin daddy[handaxis]:= 0; if handaxis=ASpin then ZerInc1:=true; end; 1 : begin if (Vaxes=0) or ((VaxesL or 1 <>5 ) and (handaxis or 1 =5)) then if mode<>setref then begin daddy[handaxis]:= plimit[handaxis]*MetricS[handaxis]-flzero[handaxis]; if (Model='C') and (g53F<>0) and (handaxis=Z3) then daddy[Z3]:=daddy[Z3]-zt; end else daddy[handaxis]:= daddy[handaxis]+ (plimit[handaxis]-nlimit[handaxis])*MetricS[handaxis] else daddy[handaxis]:=postravel[handaxis]; if (mode<>setref) and (grany[handaxis]>daddy[handaxis]) then errors.err(127,0,axisname[handaxis]); end; 4 : begin if (Vaxes=0) or ((VaxesL or 1 <>5 ) and (handaxis or 1 =5)) then if mode<>setref then begin daddy[handaxis]:= nlimit[handaxis]*MetricS[handaxis]-flzero[handaxis]; if (Model='C') and (g53F<>0) and (handaxis=Z3) then daddy[Z3]:=daddy[Z3]-zt; end else daddy[handaxis]:=daddy[handaxis]- (plimit[handaxis]-nlimit[handaxis])*MetricS[handaxis] else daddy[handaxis]:=negtravel[handaxis]; if (mode<>setref) and (grany[handaxis]<daddy[handaxis]) then errors.err(128,0,axisname[handaxis]); end; 6,7 : begin if prgname='' then goto exitpoint; getloc(L,tmploc,true); if not validH(abs(tmploc.h)) then goto exitpoint; Vaxes:=tmploc.h; move(tmploc.x,daddy,sizeof(axes5)); if Vaxes<>oldVax then begin oldVax:=Vaxes; getGrany; end; end; end; {case} end; {Manual and Teach Motion} lineaxes:=$FF; {all axes} if (Vaxes<>0) or (mode=chktrc) and (DryRun=0) then begin feed0:=Fmax; if LinTC<>oldTC then TConst(oldTC); g1; end else begin g0; end; exactstop; updatepos; if (jogLo<>0) and (TBnow>=$80) then begin TBnow:=$81; if TBnew then cc100(0); end; exitpoint: while jogL<>0 do begin background; ChkJogReleased; end; {topline;} end; { JOG } (**************************************************************) procedure manual_command(manualaxis:word); FAR; (**************************************************************) begin if (mode=mdi) or (mode=auto) or (manualaxis>axes) then ouch else begin if toolcomp then errors.err(203,-1,''); handaxis:=manualaxis; end; end; procedure doreset; var saveL:word; saveNN:longint; begin RST:=0; error:=false; outfree:=$FFFF; KillGraph0; CloseAllWin; nosound; handaxis:=0; par[stop]:=0; saveNN:=nn; ProgReset; if not graphnow then begin oldscreen; if not (graphic or Kanji) then drawscreen; end; updatepos; case mode of MDI : mode:=auto; SetHome: ; else callcc(102); saveL:=L; initCS; l:=saveL; ll:=l; nn:=saveNN; end; indicator(reseti); end; { do reset } function cncDOS(txt:comstr; clr:boolean):integer; FAR; {if no extension then load } var dir0:pathstr; name:namestr; ext:extstr; Space:integer; begin if no_decel then exactstop; {%%%12-13-94} {Strip leading blanks} while (txt<>'') and (txt[1]=' ') do Delete(txt,1,1); {Find end of command} Space:=pos(' ',txt)-1; if Space<0 then Space:=length(txt); Fsplit(copy(txt,1,Space),dir0,name,ext); if ext<>'' then begin txt:=copy(txt, Space+2,length(txt)); if dir0='' then dir0:=mydir; ASM; mov ax,5F5Fh and [bp+offset ext+2],ax and [bp+offset ext+4],al end; if (ext<>'.EXE') and (ext<>'.COM') then errors.err(153,n,ext); dir0:=dir0+name+ext; end else dir0:=''; if not irq then {while in Boot} dbli(par[DosErr])[1]:=execdos(dir0,txt) else begin if clr then if graphnow then goAlpha else begin textmode(co80); directvideo:=not kanji; checksnow:=false; end; IrqOff; dbli(par[DosErr])[1]:=execdos(dir0,txt); IrqOn; if clr then begin graphics(false); putdate; end; end; DosExit:=DosExitCode; {%%% 01-09-93} cncDOS:=dbli(par[DosErr])[1]; {%%% 09-20-92} dbli(par[DosErr])[4]:=-1; RST:=0; end; {cncDOS} procedure getsecurity; begin if (prog1<>'') and (cncDOS(prog1,true)=0) then begin DosExit:=DosExit and $F; {%%% 02-28-97} if DosExit>0 then security:=DosExit; end; end; procedure newpath; begin ChangePath; getdir(0,curdir); putINI(curdir,'Dir'); putINI(DefExtension,'Ext'); end; function MainMenu:boolean; begin KillGraph0; MainMenu:=false; goAlpha; dbli(par[190])[4]:=-1; dblw(par[190])[1]:=1; callcc(110); { =110 openwindow( ) This is programmed in the CNX file print menu #190=readkey closewindow local routines mend } CloseAllWin; {For RST<>0} keyready; {if KB was used} case key of 1200 : kb(key); {RUN} $30 : GetSecurity; $31 : mode:=modet(2); $32 : mode:=modet(3); $34 : GOIOTest; $35 : begin newpath; topline; end; secretkey: if compiled then begin ErrorPtr:=round(par[200]); GoEdit(true); end; 1068 : begin GoEdit(false); mode:=auto; {%%%04-17-94} exit; end; 1079 : begin MainMenu:=true; EXIT; end; {LogOff} end; oldscreen; end; { Main Menu } procedure saveloc; {@F4} var exist : boolean; begin exist:=false; case TBnow and $8F of 0 : begin save_loc(exist); if exist then begin {location exists} char(Key):= 'Y'; {Assume 'Y', if CC not found} dbli(par[190])[4]:=-1; dblw(par[190])[1]:=2; callcc(110); {ask Yes or No} { openwindow( ) programmed in CNX file print menu #190=readkey closewindow mend } if Curwindow<>0 then begin CloseAllWin; oldscreen; end; keyready; if char(key and $5F) = 'Y' then begin save_loc(exist); {overwrite location} end; end; Exit; {%%%02-18-96} end; $80: begin if not save_loc(exist) then Exit; ASM; mov al,exist {if exist then inc(TBnow,3)} add ax,ax {else inc(TBnow,1)} inc ax {81--> beep, OK, 80} add TBnow,al {83--> beep, sure?, 82} end; end; $82: begin exist:=true; save_loc(exist); dec(TBnow); {81--> beep, OK, 80} end; end; if not exist or TBnew then cc100(0) {%%%06-23-93 02-18-96} {print SURE? or OK} end; (**************************************************************) procedure leadinit; {called from LogOn} begin txtl:=selfdir+leadcorr+'.0'; for tic:=1 to axes do begin inc(txtl[leng]); LeadNow[tic]:=integer(getfile(txtl,LeadPtr[tic])<>0); {0 or 1} if LeadNow[tic]<>0 then BootLog(txtl,1); end; fassign(corfile,selfdir+leadcorr+'.XYZ'); if dostype(corfile.pname)=1 then BootLog(corfile.pname,1); end; procedure CNCinit; {called from LogOn} begin while keyready do; if security<>superuser then getsecurity; inchNow:=not inchsys; initCS; {forces unitIM to re-calculate} if curdir='' then newpath; pc:=0; Fptr:=@Cfile; irqOn; {enable interrupts} graphics(false); {draw screen} breakNow; while mode<>oldmode do begin error:=false; background; end; end; (**************************************************************) procedure disprogram(MCC:boolean); { display program listing } (**************************************************************) type stp=^string; var i: word; linenum:longint; j,pp:word; begin if MCC then begin Fptr:=@Xfile; end else begin Fptr:=@Cfile; end; if Fptr^.mode=$D7B3 then begin SavePtr:=Fptr^.CurPos; openwindow(1,3,80,24, white,$2000); writeln('Len= ',Fsize(Fptr^)); Rseek(Fptr^,prg00); while not feof(Fptr^) do begin readP(Fptr^,prgP); if prgL=0 then begin writeln('Text'); linenum:=0; readB(Cfile,linenum,3); Rseek(Cfile,linenum); continue; end; pp:=4; ASM; mov ax,word ptr [prgB+2] xor dx,dx mov dl,byte ptr [prgB+1] cmp dl,0FFh jne @1 mov pp,2 xor ax,ax xor dx,dx @1: mov word ptr linenum+2,dx mov word ptr linenum,ax end; write(linenum:8,': '); if wptr(@prgb[1])^=$BDFF then {prog name} write(stp(@prgP[3])^) else while pp<=prgL do begin write(hexb(prgB[pp]),' '); inc(pp); end; if keyready and (key=$1B) then break; writeln; delay(50); end; Bseek(Fptr^,SavePtr); inkey; closewindow; end; Fptr:=@Cfile; end; (**************************************************************) procedure cncmain; begin {CNCMAIN} repeat { Main Waiting loop } if catch(exception) and error then begin {Trap for Run time error} JogL:=0; ASM; les bx,Fptr mov ax,Frec(es:[bx]).block mul BufSize add ax,Frec(es:[bx]).BufPos xor bx,bx {DX:AX= file position for next line} mov bl,prgL add bx,1 sub bx,pc {BX = positive} sub ax,bx sbb dx,0 mov word ptr Errorptr+2,dx mov word ptr Errorptr,ax end; if (runmode>=runi) {Run, Dwell} and ((word(Fptr)<>ofs(Xfile))) {not inside CC} and Compiled {source exists in editor} and (security<=superuser+1) and (TBnow<$80) {not in Teach} and (mode in [Auto,MDI]) then begin {we are here if there are no Calls} goedit(true); {will draw screen} {return here from a run-time error. GoEdit sets a new exception so a fresh start is required} continue; end else begin tmpstr:=Fptr^.pname; par[200]:=ErrorPtr; ProgReset; oldscreen; {draws graphic screen} callcc(108); {display error message} end; end; if odd(RST) then KB(27); {2= ESC pressed} ASM; {vactual:=0; RST:=0; SKP:=false; byte(lineaxes):=0;} {Override:=$FFFF} xor ax,ax cmp byte ptr RST,al jz @1 mov byte ptr lineaxes,al {do not cancel in HOLD} @1: cmp Vactual,1 ja @2 mov lenR,ax @2: mov word ptr RST,ax mov skp,al mov Moving,ax dec ax mov Override,ax end; background; if sngle=3 then begin {end of Search} Sngle:=1; callcc(112); end; if KBflag and $1008 = $1008 then callcc(105); if Vaxes<>oldVax then begin {after incHH or H in MDI} oldVax:=Vaxes; transforward; end; if (TBnow<$80) and (mode<>auto) and (mem[seg0040:$17] and $C = $C) then if handaxis<>0 then JogL:=succ(mem[seg0040:$18] and 3) else if (security=superuser) and (modename=manual) then JogL:=5+mem[seg0040:$18] and 3; {%%%5-23-92} if (TBnow>=$80) or TBnew then begin if TBpressed<>0 then begin TBpressed:=0; cc100(TBkey); end; end; if JogL<>0 then begin init; if JogH = 0 then JOG(JogL and $7F) else begin callcc(111); while jogL<>0 do begin background; ChkJogReleased; end; end; continue; end; if keyready then begin {Keypressed} if word(kbd-$61)<$1A then dec(Kbd,$20); {upcase} callcc(101); case Kbd of 0 : ; $1B : DoReset; 1198..1200: begin {%%%12-05-92 1198 for CNX} RST:=0; mode:=auto; if key=1199 then progreset; if key=1198 then Fptr:=@CPLfile; cycle_start; end; 1059: begin {F1} RunMode:=Edit; goAlpha; if TBnow>=$80 then begin ASM; and TBnow,7Fh; end; if not Help(modeHlp[teach],454) then ASM; or TBnow,80h; end; end else begin if (mode<>auto) or (prgname='') or (GetHelp(Cfile, prgLong^[1],word(prgLong^[2]),453)) then Help(modeHlp[modename],0); end; GetHoldMode; oldscreen; end; $21,$22 : if security=superuser then disprogram(Kbd=$22); 1060: {F2} begin KillGraph0; goAlpha; dbli(par[190])[4]:=-1; dblw(par[190])[1]:=3; tmpstr:=CPLdir+'*'+CPLext; callcc(110); {%%%03-18-94} {=110 The last command should be: putstr('') (to ignore directory) or putstr(CPLdir$+'........') mend} CloseAllWin; {For RST<>0} if (tmpstr<>'') and (RST=0) and PickDir(tmpstr) then begin {for ESC} Fclose(Cfile); Fptr:=@Cfile; getCPL(tmpStr,0); end; oldscreen; end; 1061: {F3} graphics(dryrun<2); 1106:{@F3} isometric; 1065: {F7} mode:=manual; 13, 1066: {F8} mode:=MDI; 1067: {F9} mode:=auto; 1110:{@F7} mode:=setref; 1111:{@F8} mode:=sethome; 1112:{@F9} cycle_start; 1068:{F10} if MainMenu then EXIT; {LogOff} {%%%01-25-93} 1133:{F11} if prog3<>'' then cncDOS(prog3,true); 1139:{@F11}if prog4<>'' then cncDOS(prog4,true); 1138:{^F12} begin goAlpha; EditTool; RST:=0; callcc(119); oldscreen; end; 1134:{F12} if prgname<>'' then begin goAlpha; Editloc; oldscreen; end else ouch; 1140:{@F12} begin goAlpha; Editpar; oldscreen; end; 1120..1129: {alt1..alt0} begin dec(Kbd,1119); if Kbd=10 then Kbd:=0; dooffset(Kbd); if runmode=reseti then o:=Kbd; end; 1077 : if graphnow and (zoomc<6) then begin inc(zoomc); setzoom; end; {right arrow} 1075 : if graphnow and (zoomc>-12) then begin dec(zoomc); setzoom; end; {left arrow} (* 1072 {UP}, 1080 {DN} : restoreaxes(key); *) $41..$43, {ABC UVW XYZ} $55..$5A : manual_command(caddr[Kbd]-7); 1201..1210: getTBfeed; else if mode=manual then case Kbd of {case 3} 1107:{@F4} saveloc; 1063: {F5} if word(l-1)<65533 then inc(l); 1108:{@F5} if l>1 then dec(l); {F5 canceled} end {case 3} else case Kbd of {case 4} 1063: {F5} dryrn(1); 1108:{@F5} dryrn(2); end; {case 4} end; {case 1} end else begin {if no keypressed} Kbd:=0; if not error then callcc(101); {%%% 1998-08-10} end; until false; end; {$R-,S-} Procedure divZ; assembler; { caller flags BP+6 caller seg BP+4 caller ofs BP+2 caller bp BP pushed by this routine upon entry: DX:AX - Caller data RET address- beginning of the div instruction, including prefixes} ASM; push bp {save bp} mov bp,sp {set up stack frame} push ds {save ds} push si {save si} mov si,[bp+2] mov ds,[bp+4] {DS:SI= ptr to offending instruction} cld @1: lodsb {Search F6 - div command} and al,0F6h cmp al,0F6h jne @1 {loop indefinitely, nothing else can be done} lodsb {load second instruction byte} and al,0C7h {mask mode, r/m} cmp al,6 je @2 {2 byte direct memory operand} and al,0C0h cmp al,080h jne @3 @2: inc si {2 byte indirect mem operand} jmp @4 @3: cmp al,040h jne @5 {no displacement} @4: inc si {1 byte indirect} @5: mov [bp+2],si {new return address} sar dx,15 {DX= sign} mov ax,7FFFh {AX=7FFFh} add ax,dx {AX=7FFFh or 7FFEh} xor ax,dx {AX=8001h if negative} pop si {resume saved registers} pop ds pop bp IRET end; procedure cleanup; FAR; begin exitproc:=exitsave; ASM; mov ax,4Fh mov es,ax xor di,di cld mov ax,exitcode stosw db 66h mov ax,word ptr erroraddr db 66h stosw end; setintvec($15,pointer(@oldint15^)); Setintvec(0,oldint00); if offline then res70 else close(cncdrv); InOutRes:=0; SaveUpdateFile; ChDir(DosDir); IOcleanup; {Disable PLC, clear digital IO} callcc(125); nosound; textmode(OrigMode); end; {$IFDEF debug} {$R+} {$ENDIF} procedure initialization; var i,j,io:word; const xc = 68; yc = 1; { xc=69-1, yc=2-1; time position } begin getdir(0,DosDir); timeoffs:=yc*160+2*xc; timeattr:=lightgreen; getintvec($15,pointer(@oldint15^)); setintvec($15,@myint15); getintvec($70,oldint70); getintvec(0,oldint00); setintvec(0,@divZ); exitsave:=exitproc; exitproc:=@cleanup; xold:=xpos; fillchar(oldb,sizeof(oldb),#0); assign(cncdrv,'CNCSERVO'); {device driver} getwheel; getwheel; end; procedure Pscreen; FAR; var oldcursor : word absolute 0:$460; cursorsaved:word; const st:string[2]='00'; begin if prog2<>'' then begin cursorsaved:=oldcursor; beep(1034,100); irqoff; byte(st[1]):=$30+byte(graphnow or Kanji or GraphScr); {0 = alpha} byte(st[2]):=$30+byte(graphnow and not GraphScr); if st[2]<>'0' then inc(st[2],byte(iso)); {0=normal, 1=proj, 2=iso} if execdos(prog2, st)<>0 then ouch else beep(1034,100); irqon; edsetcursor(cursorsaved); nosound; end; end; procedure SetRefCorr; var i:word; begin CorrFlag:=true; MyAxis:=$FFFF; for i:=1 to axes do begin twoint(corr[i]).hi:=1; AxisMisc; end; oldindex:=-1; AxisMisc; CorrFlag:=false; end; procedure Corr3D(on:boolean); begin corr3:=0; corr1:=byte(on); if on then begin freset(corfile,6); if ioresult=0 then begin corr3:=1; readb(Corfile,Csize,18); corfile.base:=18; end; SetRefCorr; {for tic:=1 to axes+1 do begin oldcorr[tic]:=corr; dec(xpos[tic],oldcorr[tic]); disflag:=... end;} end else begin Fclose(Corfile); for tic:=1 to axes do begin inc(xpos[tic],oldcorr[tic]); oldcorr[tic]:=0; corrPLC[tic]:=0; asm; or disflag,0FFh end; end; end; corr13d:=corr13; updatepos; end; BEGIN dwellp :=dwell; {NCRUN, NCG} graphlinep:=graphline; go_waitp :=go_wait; {NCG} breakp :=breakNow; {NCG} clrtrcp :=clrtrc; {NCRUN} oldscreenp:=oldscreen; {NCRUN} cncdosp :=cncdos; {NCRUN} updatep :=updateX; {NCRUN} shortbuffP:=shortbuff; {NCRUN} PLCmesgp :=PLCmesg; {KBOARD} Pscreenp :=Pscreen; {KBOARD} Graph0P :=Graph0; {RUNTIME} backP :=background;{RUNTIME} corr3dP :=corr3D; {RUNTIME} trcerrP :=trcerr; {RUNTIME} testP :=test; {RUNTIME} plcfunc[-10]:=@clrtrc; initialization; feedstr:=getmessage(410); END. Title NCL.ASM, CNC Motion routines, Copyright 1988, 1999 by Gil Hagiz .386 Include buffer.asm dseg segment dword public 'data' use16 extrn dryrun:byte, handaxis:word, TBnow:byte extrn oldw:byte, OneAxis:word, FeedLow:word extrn FeedMult:word, FeedSelector:word, FeedTable:word extrn xpos:word, abszero:dword, PosBuf:word, remain:word extrn vdesired:word,accel:word, decel:word, override:word extrn oldint70:word, vactual:word,axes:word extrn vfrac:word, vhigh:word, fe:word, findv:byte extrn outgroup:dword, outnow:word, outbits:word, outfree:word extrn buffin:word, buffout:word, buffers:word extrn par:word, lenR:word, decelflag:byte, PLCtrc:word extrn no_decel:byte, RST:byte, SKP:byte; extrn tracerr:word, float:byte, disflag:byte extrn corr:word, timer:word, timer1:word, xskip:dword extrn totalAS:word, axis4:word, irqt:word extrn trctmp:word, oldcorr:word, LinTC0:word extrn Plimit:word, Nlimit:word, plc0:dword,PLCin:word extrn Fcorr1:word, Follower:word, Fgain1:word extrn Fcorr2:word, Follower2:word, Fgain2:word extrn Mav:dword, rem:word, totMav:word, Lcount:word extrn HW:word, HandWheel:word, mavLen:word extrn ASpin:word, Rdesired:word, Ractual:word,Raccel:word extrn Rratio:word, fmode:word, Spindle:word extrn LowX:word, Fly:word, FLrate:word extrn divisor:word, ModuloN:word,feeds100:word, feedtime:word extrn Kanji:byte, TimeOffs:word, TimeAttr:byte, segB800:word Rfrac dw (?) Zfrc1 dw (?) Zfrc2 dw (?) frc3 dw (?) frc4 dw (?) align 4 position dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;absolute position servo dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;servo - trace error total dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;trace error fractions dseg ends extrn doOutput:far eoi equ 20h inta00 equ 20h intb00 equ 0A0h intb01 equ 0A1h ;--------------------------------------; code segment dword public use16 assume cs:code, ds:dseg, es:dseg public newfeed, myint15, oldint15, Motion public ready, Simulation, skip, goASM, cmd9A, updateX public trace, clrbuff, clrtrc, trcerr, prep70, res70 public writetime,CMOSwr, CMOSrd ;---------------------------------------; db 'Copyright (C) 1988 by Gil Hagiz ' ;---------------------------------------; ; clear buffer ;buffout:=ofs(buffers); buffin:=buffout; ;q0:=0; q1:=0; q2:=0; q3:=0; q4:=0;....... qlast:=0; ;TotalAS:=0; ;---------------------------------------; clrbuff proc near cli mov ax,offset buffers mov buffin,ax mov buffout,ax mov dx,ax mov di,ax xor eax,eax mov dword ptr totalAS,eax clr0: mov [di+qq],eax mov [di+qOut],ax mov di,[di] cmp di,dx jne short clr0 sti ret clrbuff endp ;---------------------------------------; ; waiting loop ; ;This function returns Buffer-Ready. ;If No_decel is true then ready is true when at least ;one buffer is empty. ;If No_decel is false then ready is true when all ;buffers are empty ; ;---------------------------------------; ready proc near xor eax,eax ;assume false mov si,buffin mov bx,buffout cmp bx,[si] ;ptr to next buffer je short ready1 ;all buffers are full add al, no_decel ;zero= deceleration jnz short ready1 ;ready:=no_decel mov si, buffout ;wait for all buffers empty cmp si, buffin ;equal= last buffer jne short ready1 cmp eax,[si+qq] ;is buffer empty? jnz short ready1 inc ax ready1: ret ready endp ;---------------------------------------; ; update floating axes and outputs ;---------------------------------------; goASM proc near ;delayed output BSF bx,outnow ;bx= bit position 0..F jz short Floats ;if zero BX= no change BTS outfree,bx BTR outnow,bx shl bx,2 xor eax,eax xchg [bx+outgroup],eax push eax call doOutput jmp short goASM ;see if more Floats: mov bl,1 mov bh,float xor di,di float1: test bl,bh jz short float2 ;not floating or cx,-1 stc ;CF=1 call cs:dword ptr drvofs ;cx=-1 test ax,ax jz short float2 ;no change sub [di+xpos], ax ;update absolute position sbb [di+xpos+2],dx or disflag,bl ;update display flag float2: shl bl,1 add di,4 cmp di,axis4 jb short float1 ret goASM endp