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Sharnoa Tiger 3-4 Upgrade

An-107, Copyright © by Gil Hagiz
Last updated Mar-20-2007



Numeryx is not affiliated with Sharnoa in any way.
NCPlus cannot run on R-741 computer. An upgrade requires a new control.

For service and tapes for Tiger 3 and 4 try these non-affiliated vendors:


If you are familiar with the Sharnoa's Tiger 3-4 programming, here is a summary of the major changes.
Most G and M codes now follow the RS-274D standard.
There are many new G-codes and commands in English that are not described here.
For more info check the programming manual.


G-code replacement

Note: Home is same as Fixture Offset. Local Coordinate is same as Floating Zero, which is added to current home.



Loops and jumps

TIGER NCPLUS Alternative
G70 L1000
Goto 1000
G71 L1000
. . . .
N1000 <operation>
Gosub 1000
. . . .
G71 L1000 E10
. . . . 

N1000 <operation>
For #1=1 to 10
Gosub 1000
Next #1
. . . .
n1000 <operation>
(version 6 and later)
Gosub 1000,10
. . . .

n1000 <operation>
G51 E10
For #1=1 to 10
Next #1
N10 . . . .
G71 L10 E9
For #1=1 to 10
Next #1
#1=0 repeat
until (#1+=1)>9

Must change

Before anything else, here are a few changes that are required for all programs.
Remove % at the beginning.
Cancel M199.
Replace / by +
Replace C by P
Search for G5 and replace any g51 and g52 by the new FOR - NEXT commands.
Replace G92 by G52/G+52
Replace G99 by G52
Search for G12 and G13 and add P+ if there is no P (Full circle).
Search for G7 and replace any g70/g71/g72 with the new commands.
Search for G18/G19; if used change the direction of rotation.
Check other G and M codes that are listed above.
If tool radius comp is used, search for E; make changes according to chapter 3.